Polyurethane condom manufacturer
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Polyurethane condom

» NEW CONDOM » Polyurethane condom

Are non latex condoms safe?

Are non latex condoms safe?

Non latex condom mainly means the polyurethane condom, others material of polyisoprene and lamb skin are very rare in the market, so we don’t need to consider both of them. According to recent 10 years of experience and market feedback, we can come to conclusion that polyurethane condom is safe to use, and it’s a mature products now.

1: From Government/FDA/Ministry of Health

Durex’s synthetic polyisoprene condom already got USFDA’s approve at 2008 Jun 19 with 510K of KO72169; Okamoto 002 Lubricated Polyurethane Male Condom Regulation Number: 21 CFR§ 884.5300 Regulation Name: Condom Regulatory Class: II Product Code: MOL Dated: January 25, 2022 Received: January 26, 2022

Authority’s approval also means the non latex condom’s quality up to the standards of condom.

2: From market’s feedback

This products already sold on the market more than 10 years, we can check the feedback from the online shops, consumer feel happy after they used it, and they prefer to purchase again for the next time, which also can prove this is a mature product now.

So consumers worldwide can choose and use it freely. latex or non latex both are qualified, you can choose according to your favorites.

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