Polyurethane condom manufacturer
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Polyurethane condom

» NEW CONDOM » Polyurethane condom

Best Condom in China made from polyurethane material

Best Condom in China made from polyurethane material

After compare the retail price, we can find that polyurethane condom’s price is almost 5 or 10 times higher than regular latex condom. And almost all the brands named it as 001 series, which means the super thin type condom. Polyurethane material condom is the best one in China, which not only non latex material, but also top thin feeling in the world, 0.01mm 0.02mm 0.03mm all are workable. Some consumer once complain the polyurethane condoms not as elastic as latex, they always feel tight and not so soft feelings. But we improved the problem, so polyurethane also is very soft feeling now for consumers. As they are super thin, so consumers can feel each others’ skin temperature, and make the love more sensitive and real fee.

Now we not only supply China market’s top level brand’s custom production, we also successully cooperated with international brand for their 001 condom‘s production.

welcome choose us! [email protected]

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