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Female Condom

» LATEX CONDOM » Female Condom

How to use female condoms?

How to use female condoms?

It is easy to use a female condom with some practice. Female condoms prevent pregnancy by covering the inside of the vagina and collect semen when a man ejaculates. How to put in a female condom, here the tip:
1-Check the expiration rate and open it carefully.
2-Relax and get into a comfortable position. Standing with one foot on a chair, ying down, or squatting are common faves — kind of like how you’d put in a tampon.
3- Squeeze together the sides of the inner ring at the closed end of the condom and slide it into your vagina like a tampon.
4-Push the inner ring into your vagina as far as it can go, up to your cervix. Make sure it’s not twisted.
5-Pull out your finger and let the outer ring hang about an inch outside the vagina. You’re good to go!
6-Guide your partner’s penis into the opening of the condom, making sure it doesn’t slip to the side between the condom and your vaginal walls.
7-To use the female condom for anal sex, remove the inner ring and insert the condom into your anus with your finger, leaving the outer ring hanging out.
8-After sex, twist the outer ring (the part that’s hanging out) to keep semen (cum) inside the pouch. Gently pull it out of your vagina or anus, being careful not to spill any semen.
9-Throw it away in the trash (never flush any kind of condom, because it can clog your toilet).
Female condoms are not reusable — use a new one every time you have sex.
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