Polyurethane condom manufacturer
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Female Condom

» LATEX CONDOM » Female Condom

Female Condom

Female condoms are a type of barrier contraception designed specifically for women. They are made from polyurethane, or latex and are inserted into the vagina prior to intercourse. The female condom helps protect both partners from pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and provides an additional layer of protection against contact with the body fluids of the other partner. They are also easy to use and can be inserted up to 8 hours before intercourse. Female condoms are an ideal choice for those who want to take control of their sexual health and remain safe during intimate moments.

if you want own label female condom, we can offer you both material, polyurethane and latex, both are workable for our production line, welcome inquiry us by email: [email protected]

female condoms producer,female condom use,female condoms

How to use female condoms?

It is easy to use a female condom with some practice. Female condoms prevent pregnancy by covering the inside of the vagina and collect semen when a man ejaculates. How to put in a female condom, here the tip: 1-Check the expiration rate and open it carefully. 2-Relax and get into a comfortable position. Standing with one foot on a …

female condoms, female condom with air bubble, custom female condom manufacturer

Do you know the female condom with an air bubble?

There is a new innovative which is lubricated with an air bubble as an internal retention feature. Very comfortable to insert. Once inside, women won ́t feel it. Uniq Air Female Condom is a very innovative product! It provides greater protection to the external genitalia. It is so discreet that it will not even be noticed that you wear it. …

female condoms,women condom,polyurethane female condoms

Lubricated female condom supplier

Normally the female condom is already lubricated with silicon-based lubricant, but you can add types of lubricant like water-based, silicon-based or oil based, inside the condom or directly on the penis. Female condom has latex female condom and polyurethane female condom. Remember not use oil based lubricant for the latex condom. That will weaken the condom. Water-based lubricant will be …

male condom, female condom suppliers, custom condom manufacturers

Main points before using Male and Female Condoms

Male and female condoms are only effective if you use them properly. Use these tips to make sure you don’t get pregnant and to protect you against STIs. Store properly at room temperature, in a dry place and away from direct sunlight. Don’t let them freeze or get too hot. Check the expiry date. Do not use expired condom. Put the condom …

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female condom suppliers

Current female condom models on the market have a flexible ring, sponge, or capsule containing foam shapes at the closed end of the condom, enabling insertion of the device and helping to keep the condom in place during sex. A ring or frame at the open end of the condom stays outside the vagina, lying flat across the genital area …

manufacturers of female condom

There are a few female condom manufacturer in the world, and China has 2 factories now, our company invest the new dipping line of female condom last year, so we can offer clients own brand polyurethane female condom, welcome inquiry us. The female condom is a pouch that is used during intercourse to prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of …

male condom,female condom,two condom

Can male condom and female condom use together?

Male condom and female condoms are barrier method of contraception. Male condom fits over man’s erect penis and mostly made of natural rubber latex, and some made of polyurethane, polyisoprene, lambskin. Female condom is put in the vagina up to 8 hours prior to intercourse. But can you use male condom and female condom together? The answer is NO. Because …

lesbian condom

Female Condoms manufacturer from China

Most consumers familiar with male condom, we know the details and how to use it, maybe you are not familiar with the female condom, maybe never seen it. A female condom, also named lesbian condoms, it is a liner worn in the vagina or anus to prevent semen from entering a woman body. Female condoms are usually made of polyurethane …

types of condom, polyurethane condom, soft condom manufacturer, best latex condom suppliers

Here are some about the effectiveness of different kinds of Condoms

There are many kinds of condoms on the market, choose the correct one for yourself. Condoms play an important role in preventing unwanted pregnancies. People today know the importance of the invention of different types of condoms. People get so much protection from sexually transmitted diseases. For experiencing the efficiency of condoms, an individual must check whether the condoms are …

male condom and female condoms

Male condom VS Female condom

Condoms are barrier form of birth control, they are available for both the men and women. Female condom fits inside the vagina and the male condoms entirely covers the penis. Availability: Male condoms are easily available where as availability of female condoms is relatively low. Price: Female condoms are relatively expensive then male condoms. Effectiveness: Both the condoms provide effective protection against sexual …

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