Polyurethane condom manufacturer
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Polyurethane condom

» NEW CONDOM » Polyurethane condom

OEM super thin 001 condom for sensitive skin feeling

OEM super thin 001 condom for sensitive skin feeling

001 is a sign for skin feel condoms, they are firstly used by Japan companines. Super thin condom is made from polyurethane which is the thinnest condoms in the world now. Their real thickness can up to 0.01mm, 0.02mm and 0.03mm. which is only 1/3 of regular latex condom’s thickness of 0.065mm, that’s why they can feel the skin temperature.

The super thin condoms are much softer and stretchier, for a more natural feeling than latex condoms. If you have any question of super thin condom or you plan build own brand thin condoms, please contact us in email, we will give you more details and exactly quotation!  MOQ only 10K units, so easy to start now.

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