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Penis-Shredding Condom Can not Prevent Rape

Penis-Shredding Condom Can not Prevent Rape

As a new tool which designed to prevent rape, another form of protection of female, we think Rape-X is successful goods. Dr Sonnet Ehlers recently returned with a new and improved design for the Rape-aXe (formally known as Rape-X), a rubber condom device designed to catch a rapist’s dick in its Velcro-like network of hooks. This has, naturally, spawned some debate.

We have mentioned some of the controversy surrounding the “anti-rape condoms” before, but along with the World Cup readily approaching, some new voices have entered the fray. The newest entry falls staunchly and unequivocally on the anti-Rape-aXe side. In her article for The Guardian, Lara Williams argues that the very existence of the Rape-aXe is an insult to the women. She compares it to a modern-day chastity belt, which is also a new tool to “protect” women, and rightfully points out that this cannot prevent rape. Even if the Rape-aXe works perfectly, snaring the rapist’s dick and incapacitating him with pain, it can only serve to cut the assault short. Penetration must occur in order for the Rape-aXe to work, which means the rape has already taken place. Williams also discusses the problems of anal rape (which would be a easy way for rapists to get around the device) and oral rape. So it maybe not a perfect protection tool, but it did helps women a lot.


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