Polyurethane condom manufacturer
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Polyurethane condom

» NEW CONDOM » Polyurethane condom

Polyurethane Male Ultra Thin Condom For Adult sex products Condom

Polyurethane Male Ultra Thin Condom For Adult sex products Condom

Polyurethane Male Ultra Thin Condom is made of a composite material with high strength and high compactness, and is often used in the medical field, such as artificial heart and artificial skin. The Ultra Thin Polyurethane Male Condom transmits body heat quite easily, helping both of you feeling even closer.


Material: Waterborne polyurethane.

Size: 54x180mm

Features: 0.01mm, 0.02mm, 0.03mm (Ultra thin experience almost no feeling of wearing.)

Polyurethane Male Ultra Thin Condoms are made from polyurethane . It do not contain casein, people who’re latex allergic can use it which is very thin that conduct heat better than latex condom. Polyurethane condoms are odorless, it doesn’t has the latex smell. It can bring more skin feeling, more sensitive, more thinner than latex. If you would like to OEM your private label Ultra Thin Polyurethane male condoms, please contact us.

Email: [email protected]

Whatsapp/Wechat: 0086-191-5379-1305

Contact: Linda


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