Polyurethane condom manufacturer
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Custom Condom

» BRAND CONDOM » Custom Condom

Printing on Condoms‘ latex is a fashion promotion

Printing on Condoms‘ latex is a fashion promotion

Printing on condom latex is a unique process that allows you to put custom designs and artwork on condoms. With this process, you can create personalized condoms with logos, artwork, or text of your choice. The process involves printing onto a thin layer of latex, adding a protective finish, and curing the design by heating the condom. The result is a custom printed condom that looks great while also preserving the reliability and durability of an unprinted condom

According to our professional condom market expricence, design is also important for consumers’ choice. Our factory can privide template design, you only need send us your art work, we will supply your fancy printed goods.

We are look forward to get your fany design which you plan print on the condom’s latex layer, and we also can print on the foil wrapper and box,

Custom Condom , , , , ,

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