Polyurethane condom manufacturer
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Which types of condoms may be irritating skin?

Which types of condoms may be irritating skin?

Most people can use male latex condoms with no problem. Normally Condoms have no side effects. Some people experience itchiness, redness, or swelling after using a condom. This mainly due to the latex allergic. Rarely, latex (rubber) condoms can cause irritation for people with latex allergies or sensitivities. And sometimes the lube on certain types of condoms may be irritating too, and then consumers will feel uncomfortable when use it.

If you’re allergic to latex, try to change anther brand or using plastic condoms. Condoms and female condoms made from soft plastics like polyurethane, polyisoprene, and nitrile are latex-free. You can get non-latex condoms in most of the same places where standard condoms are sold.

Another ingredients maybe affect your skin is the lubricants, we recommend use the regular type of water based sex lube, no others function is better choice. Because others function always need add extra ingredients, which increase the rate of irritation to skin.

As a latex and Non latex condom supplier, we can make clients own brand polyurethane condom if you want to offer your clients alternative for these who are latex allergic.  Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


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