Polyurethane condom manufacturer
email: [email protected] | whatsapp: 0086-133-7124-6800



which kind of condoms are your favorite type?

which kind of condoms are your favorite type?

So many types condom in the market, but Which kind of condom is your favorite? Condom is not only a tool to protect us, which also is better option for sexual pleasure. Choosing the right condom is key, because so many have new designs, textures, and materials, But how to pick the right one condom for your own use? Use the results from Dr. Herbenick’s test group of 30 couples along with feedback from Women’s Health testers to find the right one for you—and your partner. The thin condom are very popular in Asia area and texture one has better market in European market.

In order to make clients has more choice in their pick up, we announced many new types products for their choice, such as the new spike condom has got too much market’s attention. And other types of alien condoms, for different purposes, XXL size not only for larger guy, it’s also designed for the loose feeling, and the extra min size can offer the tight feel, and then it brings the long time love, so many consumer buy it for long love.

As a custom condom plant, we recommend consumer firstly choose the right size, and then choose the favorite types of condom which really fit you and partners. Or if you has any new idea, we also can custom make for you, our engineers already successfully made many new type condom for worlwdie clients.

Welcome contact us if you has any new ideas on condom: [email protected]



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